Educational Technology – TARGET

Teaching Advancement and Research Grants in Educational Technology (TARGET)


What is TARGET

Pacific University is committed to encouraging the purposeful integration of technology into teaching and learning and to the exploration of course and program delivery in online and blended formats. To encourage innovation in these domains, the Center for Educational Technology, the Provost’s Office, and the Library created the Teaching Advancement and Research Grants in Educational Technology (TARGET) program in the fall of 2012. The program provides structured support, funds technology costs, and offers stipends or course release time for projects that pilot or develop a compelling use of online technology to deliver or enhance courses across the University.

For a full list of requirements and expectations of the grants, please see the apply tab.

TARGET grants have been awarded each year since 2013. Successful projects ranged from an innovative undergraduate Civic Engagement course in Art and Environmental Studies that will use online technologies to tie together fieldwork, community-based projects, and classroom activities to an online professional course on teaching and learning in higher education that is a collaborative project between faculty in the Colleges of Education and Health Professions. For a full list of previous TARGET awards, see Previous TARGET Awards tab.

Target 2023

How to Apply

Pacific University is committed to advancing the purposeful integration of digital technology into teaching and learning to improve student learning, increase access to the university, and further academic inquiry. To help reach these goals, the Provost’s Office, the Libraries, and the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation are soliciting proposals from Pacific faculty interested in using digital and online technologies to improve or redesign existing courses.


The goals of TARGET 2023 are:

  • To understand how different physical and digital learning environments, emerging technologies, and e-learning methods may be best employed to increase student learning and engagement.
  • To identify how online technologies and e-learning methods can increase access to the University and its resources.
  • To foster faculty, student, and community engagement in the new modes of scholarship and inquiry that are afforded by digital and online technologies.
  • To identify e-learning strategies and methods that will have broad impact on curricula and programs in a department, school, college, or the University as a whole.

Based on these goals, we will be looking for projects that:

  • Improve student engagement and learning
    • We encourage projects that increase student engagement and/or improve learning outcomes in face-to-face classes by the thoughtful integration of online technologies or technology-enabled pedagogic strategies; adopt or develop teaching and learning strategies or methods in blended or online classes that improve engagement and/or outcomes; explore new technologies to deliver engaging online experiences for students; develop new fully online or blended classes that meet educational, program, or institutional needs.
  • Increase access and broaden the reach of the University
    • We also encourage projects that use online technologies to facilitate access to Pacific University by engaging new constituencies of students (particularly for groups traditionally underserved by Pacific), by helping existing students more easily access Pacific courses or resources, and by reaching out to alumni and professionals.
  • Explore new modes of scholarship and inquiry
    • We also encourage projects that use virtual and digital environments for faculty and students to re-imagine the who, what, when, where, and how of traditional courses. Of special interest are projects that: allow students to engage with the community beyond Pacific; explore, use, or develop open educational resources; gamify learning experiences; or engage in multimodal composition or other projects that increase digital literacy.

An over-arching theme is the “impact factor.” We will be selecting projects that promise to have the greatest impact on other courses, programs, or curricula. We are particularly interested in projects that will act as a pilot or first step for a larger initiative, model an effective or innovative e-learning method or strategy that can be adopted by other courses within that discipline or across disciplines, or that demonstrate the feasibility of a particular e-learning method or strategy.

We also encourage proposals that utilize resources freely available to Pacific faculty, staff, and students. We are particularly interested in seeing projects that use the capabilities of Moodle, Boxer Apps, WordPress, and other software and resources currently supported by Pacific University.

All proposals will be considered, but preference will be given to those that address one or more of these themes and considerations.

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All Pacific University faculty are eligible to participate in the TARGET program. Priority, however, will be given to those who have not received a TARGET award in the past three years

Proposal and Selection Process

Download the Proposal Outline
Download the College Support Form

A review committee comprised of the Director for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation, a faculty representative from the Library, and faculty representatives from the Teaching and Learning with Technology Advisory Group will recommend proposals for final approval by the President’s Cabinet. Successful proposals will:

  • Demonstrate the significance of the projects’ contribution to student learning or engagement
  • Have potential to affect or inform an entire curriculum (either at the departmental, school, or college level) multiple curricula, or across disciplines.
  • Have a feasible timeline and budget
  • Provide evidence of departmental and college support.

A complete proposal will include:

  • A project description that includes the course or curricula that will be affected, the learning outcomes that are expected from the project, the specific activities or learning processes for the project, who is included on the project team, the potential for broad impact, and an assessment and evaluation plan. The description should be no longer than 5 pages.
  • A timetable and budget that will include both hardware and software requirements and any additional support that might be necessary. The budget and timetable should be no longer than 3 pages.
  • Evidence of institutional support must include a letter of support from the head or director of each PI’s home department or school and a completed project support form from each PI’s College

Completed proposals should be e-mailed to the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation ( by April 15, 2023.

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Institutional Support for Accepted Projects

Accepted projects will receive:

  • Instructional design support from the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation.
  • Up to $3,000 for technology or software costs related to the project.
  • Up to $5,000 per project that can be applied to either release time or stipends for project participants. Individual stipend awards will not exceed $3,000, and release time is contingent upon approval by Department, School, and Dean.
  • The opportunity to attend the Summer Online and Blended Learning Retreat.

Awards will be disbursed during the 2023/2024 fiscal year. Awards, therefore, cannot be applied to any expenses that will arise after June 30, 2024.

  • Proposal shared with Department Chair or Program Director by March 24, 2023.
  • Proposal shared with College Dean by April 7, 2023.
  • Proposal Submitted to CETCI April 14, 2023.
  • Awards announced in May, 2023.
  • Course/program development occurs during Spring and Summer 2023.
  • Courses delivered during Summer/Fall 2023 and Winter/Spring 2024.

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Expectations and Reporting:

Each TARGET participant is expected to work with their department to ensure that their project is aligned and coordinated with other e-learning efforts. In addition, TARGET participants must also:

  • Meet individually with the Director of Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation or other Center staff to identify specific goals and objectives for the project, define a detailed assessment and evaluation plan, and establish project milestones.
  • Attend regular small group meetings with the Director of Educational Technology, other TARGET participants, and members of the TLT committee to address issues of common concern and to engage and learn from other Participants and projects.
  • Agree to present their results at the OTEN annual conference or other Pacific University sponsored event with approval of the Director of Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation within two academic years of accepting the grant
  • Submit a report of the findings to the Director of Educational Technology and Curricular within one academic year of receiving the grant
  • Participants are also encouraged to present or publish the results of their project in academic journals and conferences.

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TARGET Recipients

We have had a very impressive response for our first three rounds of the Teaching Advancement and Research Grants in Educational Technology (TARGET) awards. Over the past two years, we have received more than 40 strong proposals from across the University, and the TARGET Review Committee has selected eleven projects for funding. The Library and the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation would like to recognize and thank President Lesley Hallick and Provost John Miller for their support and vision for TARGET, which has enabled the program to get off to such a great beginning.

The TARGET program was initiated in the Fall of 2012 to encourage faculty to pursue the thoughtful integration of technology into teaching and learning and to explore course delivery in online and blended formats. Our next round of TARGET will be in the Fall of 2015 and we will be sending out more information later this year. Please contact Alfred Weiss (, 503-352-1417) if you would like to discuss a future project or if you have any questions about the program.

Target Recipients for Spring 2016:

Paige Baugher | Biology

Baugher will be combing team based learning with a flipped methodology to create engaging and active class-sessions in cellular biology.  This project will provide an excellent model for using an online curriculum to enrich a face-to-face course.

Rebecca Concepcion and Brian Jackson | Exercise Science

Concepcion and Jackson will develop online resources to develop an online curriculum to enhance their traditionally delivered foundations of exercises class. The online resources will bring active learning to a large enrollment class as well as help keep students who are engaged in sports and other extra curricular activities current with coursework despite scheduling challenges.

 Tracy Doll and Amiee Ho | Optometry

Doll and Ho will create open educational resources for scleral indentation and common ocular pathologies that can then be used to support numerous classes in the College of Optometry. These resources would also be made freely available and would aid other optometric programs as well as clinicians.

June Dressler, Career Development Center, & Jaye Cee Whitehead | Sociology

Dressler and Whitehead will integrate an innovative e-portfolio based activities into a career decision class for anthropology and sociology majors. This course will provide students with tangible career resources and digital literacy skills to help them translate their Pacific experience into professional success.

Nancy Ann Neudauer | Math

Neudauer will create multifunctional online resources that she will develop an online curriculum for her advanced Math classes to facilitate inquiry-based activities both in and outside the classroom. These materials would also be the basis for University courses delivered in West Africa.

Sigrid Roberts, Brendan Stamper, John Harrelson, Ashim Malhotra, Sarah Jane Faro, & Marina Suzuki | Pharmacy

Roberts, Stamper, Harrelson, Malhorta, Faro, and Suzuki will develop, implement, and evaluate the application of personalized online pharmacogenomics testing to enhance student learning in a pharmacogenomics course.

Anita Zijdemans Boudreau | School of Learning and Teaching

Zijdemans Boudreau will create online open educational resources that will be the foundation for EDU606 and 648. Because this course is offered over multiple campuses and sections, these resources will help integrate the curriculum of these courses and provide a means for faculty and students to “engage meaningful learning and teaching across physical place, time, and virtual space.”

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Target Recipients for Spring 2015:

Katie Dolphin | Department of Exercise Science 

Dolphin will use her TARGET grant to increase the amount student interaction and to facilitate activity-based learning in the face-to-face sessions of her nutrition course—a required course for all Exercise Science majors—by using a flipped classroom model. To free up the class time for these activities, Dolphin will move material she has formerly presented during in-class lectures to an online format.

Jennifer Hardacker | Department of Media Arts

Hardacker will use teaching strategies and methods derived from video and online game environments—gamification—to increase student engagement and learning in her film history and analysis course. In her gamified class, students will have multiple pathways to achieve course objectives and Hardacker will smartly apply technology to facilitate both learning activities and assessment.

Lynda Irons | Libraries & Robbie Pock | College of Arts and Sciences

Irons and Pock will create an e-book on library and information literacy for new undergraduate students that can be used across courses and disciplines. After the grant is completed, this e-book will be freely available to both the Pacific Community and the world at large.

Moria McSharry McGrath & Tiffany Fieken | Department of Public Health

Students majoring in Public Health often work directly with health professionals in non-academic environments while they are conducting their senior-year practicum and capstone projects. Because these sites are remote from Forest Grove, McGrath and Fieken will use their TARGET grant to design an online environment that will help guide and contextualize the students’ off campus work while facilitating the students’ interaction with their peers and faculty mentors back at Pacific

Sandra Rogers | School of Occupational Therapy, Nancy Cicirello | School of Physical Therapy & Chris Macfarlane, School of Learning and Teaching

Rogers, Cicirello, and Macfarlane are developing two blended courses—courses where instruction is conducted both online and on site—for professional therapists in China. These courses will provide Chinese practitioners with training in the most current therapy skills and methods and will serve as a pilot for further international efforts in occupational and physical therapy.

Shun-nan Yang, John Hayes, & James Kundart | College of Optometry

In a variation of the flipped classroom model, Yang, Hayes, and Kundart will combine well-structured and engaging in-class activities with a compelling online curriculum. They propose that this model will help develop the critical thinking skills of Optometry students while increasing student engagement.

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Target Recipients for Spring 2014:

Mary Von | School of Physician Assistant Studies, Shahana Koslowsky | School of Professional Psychology, CHP

Von and Koslowsky proposed creating collaborative case-based and interactive online activities for the Interprofessional Competence Course. These activities will have multiple outcomes and pathways—allowing students to explore different aspects of an interprofessional problem while being introduced to a particular concept. These activities will take the place of one hour of in-class lecture. Following their completion, students will engage in small group discussion with faculty for the second hour of class. 

Len Koh | Optometry

Koh proposed developing a blended curriculum for his series of optometric pharmacology courses. In these courses, Koh will move lecture content online as a series of short videos.  Koh will then use face-to-face class time for problem-based lessons and other active learning activities. Hua is basing the development of this course on experimentation he has conducted in previous courses where he has successfully applied blended and flipped classroom models.

Mike Geraci | Department of Media Arts

Geraci proposed creating a flipped classroom for his CS 205 class—a computer coding class for non-programmers in Media Arts. Geraci proposed to make a series of online video resources available to his students, including screencasts of his own lectures, existing educational material, and commercial video, which would take the place of in-class lectures. Class time will then be spent on actual coding exercises tailored to his students individual abilities and interests.

Catherine Kim | School of Learning and Teaching

Kim proposed adding an extensive collection of videos to her online ESOL courses. Following the innovation of “flipped classrooms” for traditional courses, these videos will be used in place of synchronous lectures—freeing up that time for synchronous active learning exercises. In addition, Kim also proposed to increase the multimedia content of this course to create a more engaging online environment. 

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Target Recipients for Spring 2013:

Brian Jackson | Department of Exercise Science

Jackson proposes using a flipped classroom model to teach an exercise science class. He will translate his lecture material into short online videos and other internet-based activities and use the face-to-face class time he previously devoted to lecturing for active learning exercises.

Terry O'Day and Stephanie Stokamer | Department of Art and the Center for Civic Engagement

This project will create a vigorous online component for a permaculture design course. The course will be redesigned around a flipped classroom model, in which lecture-type instruction will be conducted online and face-to-face time will be used for interactive activities. In addition to watching videos, students will also do extensive academic work online, including creating electronic portfolios that will frame the Civic Engagement portions of the course.

John Suroviak | Department of Business Administration

Suroviak will redesign his face-to-face introductory accounting class into a blended format. By moving basic bookkeeping instruction online, Suroviak can use class time to focus on creative and critical problem-solving skills which are necessary for practicing accountants but which are not developed in traditional accounting classes.

Brendan Stamper | School of Pharmacy

Stamper proposes creating an online curriculum that will provide students with either a review of or instruction in the fundamental science and math skills necessary for success in the Pharmacy program. This program would underlie the entire first-year curriculum and would help ensure that Pharmacy students had the prerequisite skills to excel in all areas of the program.

Rik Lemoncello and Amanda Stead | School of Communication Science and Disorders

Lemoncello and Stead propose creating a series of video tutorials and lectures that will serve as the basis for blended and flipped classes across the Communication Sciences and Disorders curriculum. In addition to providing course content, Lemoncello and Stead will make these videos freely available online so that they can be used both by alumni of Pacific's program as well as by audiology speech-language pathology students and professionals world-wide.

Ann Matschiner | College of Education

Matschiner will develop a fully online program for the Talented and Gifted Program. Matschiner will use the grant to help her develop the core courses for the program.

Anita Zijdemans Boudreau and Nancy Krusen | College of Education and School of Occupational Therapy

Therapy Zijdemans Boudreau and Krusen will create an interdisciplinary, fully online course on teaching in higher education for those who wish to pursue an academic career in the health professions.

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