This policy applies to the exhibit spaces in the Forest Grove Campus Library as well as to the display of materials in the Hillsboro Campus Library. Spaces available for exhibits in the Forest Grove Library include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Gallery
- Lobby
- Media Commons
Requests to display materials in other areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Scope of Exhibits
Proposing an Exhibit
Exhibit Content Guidelines
- Exhibits are selected based on:
- Educational content
- Connection to the university’s mission or curriculum
- Timeliness to current and campus events
- Relation of materials to the campus and wider community
- Scheduling constraints. Proposed exhibitions must fit into the exhibit planning calendar.
- Reinforcement of the university and/or Libraries’ mission or strategic goals
- Quality and aesthetic value
- Thematic and narrative integrity
- Exhibits that showcase holdings from Pacific University’s Libraries, Archives, Art and Museum collections will be given preference when scheduling exhibits.
- All exhibits are temporary.
- The Archives and Special Collections Librarian, in consultation with the Dean of University Libraries, will make the final determination about all exhibits.
- Exhibits may not compromise our users access to collections or services or otherwise disrupt or harm the facility, collections, or visitors.
- The Libraries commit to presenting diverse points of view and to the principles of academic freedom.
Exhibit Materials
- Ensure that all appropriate permissions have been received to display the materials.
- Provide accurate and appropriate descriptive annotations and acknowledgements for materials and provide accurate citations for all content used in creating exhibit descriptions.
- Ensure that exhibit materials will not damage or otherwise endanger the condition of display cases/walls or other library fixtures.
- Receive explicit permission from the Archives and Special Collections Librarian to include any fragile, rare, unique, or otherwise extremely vulnerable materials.
Exhibit Requirements
Security and Insurance: Materials in an exhibit are afforded the same security protection as that of any materials in the given exhibit area/space. This means that third parties including, but not limited to, the general public and students may have unsupervised and unregulated access to the exhibit area and the materials. Additional security cannot be provided by the university, and the university is not responsible for the safekeeping of the exhibit materials and shall have no liability to the owner of the exhibit materials or any third party in the event of any damage or loss (including theft) to the exhibit materials. The owner of the exhibit materials bears all risk of all loss or damage to the exhibit materials regardless of cause. The university does not provide any insurance for materials on display or assume any responsibility for the loss, theft of, or damage to any materials on exhibit. The provision of insurance for the exhibit materials is the responsibility of the exhibit curator and/or owner of the materials.
Physical Arrangements: Reasonable efforts should be made to make all exhibits accessible to everyone, with special provisions, when possible, to accommodate people with disabilities. An exhibit must not constitute a physical hazard or impede research or regular library use.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Eva Guggemos, Special Collections and Archives Librarian, at (503) 352-1415 or adapted from: