Pharmacy Management & Leadership Learning Through Case Studies
Steven John Arendt, Mike Millard, & Madeline Fry
Paperback, 94 pages, 7" x 10"
Student Edition:
ISBN (pbk) 978-1-945398-73-5
ISBN (epub) 978-1-945398-75-9
ISBN (PDF) 978-1-945398-76-6
Pharmacy Management & Leadership Learning Through Case Studies: Instructor Edition
Steven John Arendt, Mike Millard, & Madeline Fry
Paperback, 194 pages, 7" x 10"
Instructor Edition:
ISBN (pbk) 978-1-945398-74-2
ISBN (epub) 978-1-945398-77-3
ISBN (PDF) 978-1-945398-78-0
Purchasing Information
Retail copies of the student edition are available from online retailers; bookstores may order via Ingram or directly from the Press.
$9.99 (USD) paperback
FREE (Open Access) epub
FREE (Open Access) PDF
Copies of the instructor edition are available for purchase or free download to staff and faculty only. Please contact the Press to obtain a password to purchase the book or receive a free PDF.
This book is similar to a clinical casebook, where it is expected that the focus is on the process of solving the case, not necessarily finding a “right” answer. The cases in this book provide real-world scenarios and can be applied to administrative issues that may arise in pharmacy practice. You as the student pharmacist are tasked with working through the scenario to develop a solution to the problem presented. This book provides a wonderful starting point for these types of leadership and administrative discussions.
- Steven John Arendt, Foreward
- Steven John Arendt, Introduction: How to use this Casebook
- Chapter 1: People
- Chapter 2: Transformation
- Chapter 3: Execution
- Chapter 4: Ethics
- Steven John Arendt, Acknowledgements
- Bibliography
© 2019 by Steven John Arendt, Mike Millard, & Madeline Fry
Mike Millard Michael Millard is an Assistant Professor at the School of Pharmacy at Pacific University at the Hillsboro Health Professions Campus. Mike teaches in Social and Administrative Sciences, including Pharmacy Law. Mike has been a long term member of OSHP, past president, pharmacist of the year, and Fellow of the Society. He has been a pharmacy leader for over 40 years as Director of Pharmacy for Kaiser Permanente, Legacy, Peacehealth, and OHSU. He currently serves as Legal and Public Affairs council co-chair for OSHP, member of the Pharmacy Coalition, Board of Directors of the Oregon Pharmacist Fund, and is chairman of the Advisory Commission for the Oregon Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
Madeline Fry Madeline Fry holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Kansas and a Doctor of Pharmacy from Pacific University. After completing two post-graduate residency years, Madeline joined Pacific University again as an assistant professor where she is involved in teaching and coordinating the Leadership and Practice Management Elective Track.