Access to the Archives reading room is by appointment only and limited to 1 person at a time. Phone or Zoom consultations are preferred. Materials may be scanned and delivered digitally. Contact for access to the Archives, Museum, or Art collections.
The Archives Department is located on the second floor of the Pacific University Library. It contains the permanent historic papers, photographs and records of the University. With few exceptions, the collections are open for research, teaching and public consultation.
Archives Guidelines
- Questions, comments and requests for visits are welcome. You do not have to be affiliated with Pacific University in order to use the Archives. Please contact:
- Rules for in-person visits:
- Patrons must sign in and agree to abide by the Archives rules.
- Stow all bags, binders and other enclosures away from the work tables.
- Use only pencils for writing near archival materials (no pens).
- Do not rearrange, write on, fold or otherwise alter archival materials.
- Food and beverages are not allowed in the Archives.
- Copies: Reproductions of archival material may be made on-site by the patron using his/her own photographic equipment, or may be requested from the Archives staff. The Archives can supply copies in PDF, TIFF or JPEG format. Copy requests that require more than 30 minutes of the Archives staff's time to complete, or which must be shipped by mail, may require a fee to recover costs. Please see notes below regarding copyright and privacy restrictions.
- Copyright: Pacific University owns the copyright to some, but not all, of the materials housed in its archives. Copyright for materials authored or otherwise produced as official business of Pacific University is retained by Pacific University and requires its permission for publication. Copyright status for other collection materials varies. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Privacy and other restrictions: Although most of the material in the Archives is open for public consultation, please note that some materials are restricted in order to comply with privacy law, FERPA, donor agreements or other reasons.
- Loans: Archival material does not normally leave the Archives and materials are not loaned out to patrons. Institutional loans may be made for exhibitions; please contact the Archives.