
Update on Physical Course Reserves

The Libraries are planning to resume physical course reserve services as of Summer Term 2021. At that point, we anticipate that improved public health and increased availability of on-site staff to process reserves will permit us to manage the short-term loan reserves collection safely and efficiently for students.

Faculty are encouraged to continue working with the Libraries to identify digital formats (if available) for required books and media in order to provide the broadest possible access to students studying both in-person and online, but for Summer Term 2021 and Fall Term 2021 faculty are welcome to submit new physical reserve requests starting now. Requests may be sent to

For Spring Term 2021, the Libraries will offer limited access to course reserves for students, both to provide access to current library collections that have not been available for the past 10 months and to test the use/benefit of short-term check-outs in the COVID environment. The following guidelines are in place for Spring Term 2021:

  • Only items that are currently on the Libraries’ reserves shelves (at both the Tran Library and HC Library) are available for checkout. We are not accepting requests for new items to be put on reserve for Spring Term 2021, but if items already on reserve need to be updated, please contact for assistance.
  • Reserve items may be checked out for up to 2 days; when they are returned they will be quarantined, after which point they can be checked out again. This may cause some delay in the availability of materials.

We appreciate your patience as we gradually return to regular in-person services; we hope (along with you) that by Fall 2021, our services and facilities will look more familiar again!